Year Completed: 2021

Location: Woodbury, MN

Client: City of Woodbury

Square Footage: 1,785 SF

Built in 1922, Miller Barn is located in what is now considered as Valley Creek Park in the City of Woodbury. HCM was hired to assess the Barn and develop design options for its reinterpretation. In coordination with our design team historical consultant, New History, we defined best practices for the rehabilitation and reuse of Miller Barn. The resultant recommendation was to maintain the Barn as a “fixture on the landscape” in the newly developed Valley Creek Park. This option has allowed for the use of Historic Grant funding from the State of Minnesota. The focus of the this design option is the exterior of the building along with required interior structural reinforcements required for stabilization only. Currently, the project is in the final stages of design documentation with construction slated for the Spring of 2021.