We would like to formally introduce Banessa Balderrama, our newest team member here at HCM Architects! We are very excited to have her be apart of our team.
Banessa is an Architectural Designer whom graduated from Dunwoody College of Technology with her Bachelors of Architecture in spring of 2023. Banessa is currently pursuing her licensure, works hard and loves to help others. Growing up as a first generation Mexican-American, she understands the difficulties of language barriers and how hard one needs to work to be where they want to be. Banessa is one example of many that are chasing for their American dream.
Banessa’s goal is to become an Architect at HCM and work alongside her passionate coworkers to problem solve and understand clients’ needs. Banessa believes that architects and designers are one of the professions that greatly empathize because they understand and perceive the space with the client’s mindset.
One of Banessa’ s favorite quotes:
“It is not ‘us versus them’ or even ‘us on behalf of them.’ For a design thinker it must be ‘us with them’”. - Tim Brown
In her spare time, she loves to admire historically preserved structures, going to museums, play piano, listen to R&B music, and loves to spend time with family and her dog, Meatball.